I saw it in her eyes from the first moment I saw her that day, happiness. Ear to ear grins that the day had finally arrived. Hugs for everyone she saw, and excitement all over her face to begin their new life. Today a man and woman join hearts, a crowd becomes family, and children gain the love of a second mother in their lives. It was a perfect day to get married. The ceremony was simple yet beautiful, with all the people they love at their sides. You could see it in every one's eyes, happiness.
Melissa, I am so glad I got to be a part of your amazing day. You deserve every bit of joy that comes your way. Congratulations! Love you!!
Just before walking down the aisle, happy and gorgeous!
The new Mr and Mrs.Fife

I just adore this picture! That is her oldest niece.
This photo make me happy too. That is her mom she is hugging and that is his dad he is shaking hands with.
His baby girl.
All these beautiful girls belong to Melissa's oldest sister.
Their new family!